Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs


75. Jahrestagung


Die Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs lädt in Zusammenarbeit mit der BOKU und der HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein zur Teilnahme an der 75. Pflanzenzüchtertagung vom 25. - 27. November 2024 in Raumberg-Gumpenstein.

The Austrian Seed Association in cooperation with BOKU and HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein invites you to participate at the 75th Plant Breeder’s Meeting, 25 – 27 November 2024 in Raumberg-Gumpenstein.

The program is available in the download area.

Registration is already possible.

Topic 2024

75 years in the service of plant breeding - From chi-square to genomic selection


In 2024, the annual conference of Saatgut Austria celebrates its 75 anniversary. Starting in 1950 in Vienna with only a few presentations and participants, the conference moved already in 1951 to the Ennstal – first to Admont and later to Gumpenstein – and welcomed in 1952 its first foreign participant from Bavaria. A real boost of international participants started after 1955 when the Austrian State Treaty was signed and 17 years of occupation by foreign troops ended. Since then, the conference is a hub for the transfer of knowledge in all fields of plant breeding - from statistical analysis of field experiments to the application of molecular tools – to commercial plant breeders, seed producers, experts at public authorities and scientists at universities and research institutions in Central Europe.

  • 75 years in the service of plant breeding - From chi-square to genomic selection

    In 2024, the annual conference of Saatgut Austria celebrates its 75 anniversary. Starting in 1950 in Vienna with only a few presentations and participants, the conference moved already in 1951 to the Ennstal – first to Admont and later to Gumpenstein – and welcomed in 1952 its first foreign participant from Bavaria. A real boost of international participants started after 1955 when the Austrian State Treaty was signed and 17 years of occupation by foreign troops ended. Since then, the conference is a hub for the transfer of knowledge in all fields of plant breeding - from statistical analysis of field experiments to the application of molecular tools – to commercial plant breeders, seed producers, experts at public authorities and scientists at universities and research institutions in Central Europe.








Wiener Straße 64, A-3100 St. Pölten
Tel.:+43(0)50 259 22500